“Ten pounds in ten days?? No way, it can’t be done.” Most of you right now are probably wondering if losing ten pounds in ten days is actually possible, and if it is, is it even safe. Let me tell you this…not only is it possible, with the plan laid out, it’s safe and very attainable. As a former college wrestler with over 20 years in the sport, I made weight every weekend over a 6-month period and would generally lose 12-15 pounds from a Sunday morning to Saturday of that same week. Over time, I narrowed down a specific diet plan matched with a specific exercise protocol that yielded the results I needed week after week. I fine-tuned this plan over hundreds of trials and have found it to be effective for me 100% of the time, not to mention allowing me to be highly competitive and strong on the day of weigh-ins. To help you dominate this challenge, I will share this plan with you and help guide you through it!
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